Our Services


Network Relations

We contract with local and national plans as well as Managed Medicaid and Medicare Advantage organizations. These arrangements include operational and reimbursement terms, including alternative payment methodologies. We continually monitor the performance of our arrangements and provide our physicians relevant information so that they can succeed.


Quality Improvement

We provide reporting and analytical services to practices, empowering them with the data and tools they need to reduce waste and improve the overall quality of care delivered to our patients. In addition, we support the efforts of our multidisciplinary teams to evaluate the performance of our member physicians, and provide them with the data and information required to achieve quality goals.


Care Management

  • Assist patients transitioning from the hospital or nursing facility back to their home

  • Educate patients and caregivers about their condition and how to manage it effectively

  • Identify local, community-based services to assist patients and caregivers

  • Coordinate any necessary medical care, such as visiting nurses or medical equipment


Administrative Support

  • Our administrative support team works with the health plans to provide enrollment, contracting, and operational support to individual physicians and medical practices.

  • We work closely with the practices to make sure all information is up to date in order to avoid any care or billing issues. New physicians receive an orientation with an overview to managed care contracts and risk management.